Even though a large number of people live on this small island, you should never feel crowded. There are no billboards or neon signs, and relatively few cars to spoil the rolling countryside. Most houses seem to fit quite naturally into the landscape.
Because of Bermuda's small size, it's easy to get to know the island parish by parish. There's much to see, whether you travel by bike, ferry, bus, or taxi. You'll need plenty of time, though, because the pace is slow. The Aquarium, Devil's Hole, and cruise-boat outings are all popular for first-time visitors. For travelers on a second, third, or fourth visit to Bermuda, a different experience unfolds. Once you've done all the "must-sees," you'll want to walk around and make discoveries on your own.
But don't fill your days with too much structured sightseeing. You'll also want time to lounge on the beach, play in the water, or hit the links; and to enjoy moments like sitting by the harbor in the late afternoon, enjoying the views as the yachts glide by. Absorbing Bermuda's beauty at your own pace and stopping to chat with the occasional islander will give you a real taste of Bermuda.
Ports & Cities...

Bermuda's pretty pastel-shaded capital, Hamilton, hustles and bustles with local shoppers and keen sightseers every day of the week.

Kings Wharf
Along the south western shore, the parish of Warwick offers some of the finest pink-sand beaches and coves in Bermuda.

St. George's
St George's was Bermuda's original settlement and one-time capital.